Exceeding clients` expectations

From individual advice in the early project phase, professional planning, excellent project management and on-time installation to the right  maintenance INDU LIGHT offers a full range of services to exceed our clients` expectations.


Dachflächen lassen sich effizient und nachhaltig nutzen, in dem sie mit einer Kombination aus Dachoberlichtern und Photovoltaik Anlagen ausgestattet werden.  

Our integrated solutions for daylight and SHEV requirements

In average 40% savings per year since INDU LIGHT performed the renovation of the continuous rooflights.

Hr. Kröffges | Planungsbüro Solarvision


Step by step to the optimum

From start-to-finish we are committed to your project. We thoroughly review the specifications considering the individual requirements. In renovation projects in particular our regional technical expert visits the site to assess the local conditions and to incorporate all necessary information.

Excellent ventilation concept with INDU LIGHT 24V
control technology

Hr. Schwienhorst | Bäckerei Moss


Technical support and pre-order calculation

Finding the perfect solution for your project is our main objective. We offer pre-order calculation services for SHEV, daylight calculation and shading, fire protection and consult you when designing your energy concept. 
Along with comparative calculations we give specific product recommendations.

Optimized in terms of construction physics and economical – For us INDU LIGHT is the solution-provider.

Fr. Fisch | Ingenieurbüro Fisch


Comprehensive and perfectly matched

We develop individual concepts and deliver comprehensive and binding project schedules. 
Fast and reliable we provide project planning documents, technical specifications and drawings.